Hyundai E&C enters the CDP Hall of Fame for two consecutive years
CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Korea, a local branch of one of the most prestigious sustainability evaluating agencies, announced that Hyundai E&C has entered the CDP Hall of Fame for the second consecutive year.
CDP provides investors around the world with analysis reports on management information concerning climate change, water, forest resources and other environments. CDP’s evaluations are recognized as one of the most reliable sustainability evaluation indicators, along with Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI).
Hyundai E&C has maintained its position in the CDP Hall of Fame for two straight years by obtaining higher scores across all categories such as strategies to deal with climate change, efforts to cut greenhouse gases, management of greenhouse gases and promotion of new businesses. Only companies that have been chosen for CDP’s Carbon Management Honors Club for five years in a row are eligible for the Hall of Fame, which implies that Hyundai E&C is considered one of the world’s most competitive companies in responding to climate change.