This year’s orders reach 4.4491 trillion won
Hyundai E&C has maintained no. 1 position in terms of orders for domestic urban renewal projects and is about to achieve its largest-ever orders in the category.
The company’s orders for urban renewal projects received during this year reach 4.4491 trillion won, taking it to no. 1 spot in the domestic construction industry. Given that the builder received the orders worth 4.6468 trillion won in 2017, the largest of all time, it is highly likely to achieve the largest amount of urban renewal orders this year since its foundation, depending on the orders to be received during the fourth quarter.
This year, the construction company was awarded orders worth a total of 4.4491 trillion won to conduct urban renewal projects in 15 regions such as capital areas as well as Busan, Daegu, Daejeon and other major cities in Korea. The projects include the urban renewal project of New Yongsan North District 2 (303.7 billion won), the urban renewal project of Beomcheon District 1-1 in Busan(416.0 billion won), the redevelopment project of Wondongnarae in Wonju (208.0 billion won), the redevelopment project of Jegi District 4 in Seoul (159.0 billion won), the redevelopment project of Banyeo District 3-1 in Busan(244.1 billion won), the redevelopment project of Dae-dong Districts 4 and 8 in Daejeon (266.7 billion won), and the redevelopment project of Yido Jugong Complexes 2 and 3 in Jeju (293.0 billion won).
In particular, Hyundai E&C was selected as a contractor to conduct the Hannam District 3 project,the country’s largest urban renewal project, in June this year, solidifying its unrivaled no. 1 position in the category.