9 Dec 2020 0min 38sec
- Sustainability Steering Committee launched
Hyundai E&C launched the Sustainability Steering Committee to promote sustainable management strategies, including ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) management, at the enterprise level and to spread the consensus among all company’s members on sustainable management.Hyundai E&C
Unlike in the past when only financial pe...
- #Sustainability Management
- #ESG
12 Nov 2020 1min 24sec
- Hyundai E&C ranked first in terms of orders for urban renewal projects
This year’s orders reach 4.4491 trillion won
Hyundai E&C has maintained no. 1 position in terms of orders for domestic urban renewal projects and is about to achieve its largest-ever orders in the category.
The company’s orders for urban renewal projects received during this year reach 4.4491 trillion won, taking it to no. 1 s...
- #Urban Renewal
- #THE H
- #Hillstate
- #Hannam District 3
27 Oct 2020 0min 27sec
- Hyundai E&C wins the 2020 Global Standard Management Awards
Hyundai E&C has been selected as the Grand Prize for social contribution at the 2020 Global Standard Management Awards on October 27. Hyundai E&C was awarded in the social contribution category for the first time in recognition of the operation of the social contribution committee and the social contribution webpage, the one and only of its...
- #Global Standard Management Awards
- #win
22 Oct 2020 1min 31sec
- “Hyundai E&C 2025 Strategy” innovates construction paradigm
Hyundai E&C aims to become a global top-tier builder by 2025
Hyundai E&C sets out to increase our global competitiveness through “Hyundai E&C 2025 Strategy” to boost our construction capability in tune with the fierce business environment at home and abroad.
With the aim to make a big leap into a global top-tier builder by 202...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #Global Top-tier
- #Smart Construction
- #Technology-based Innovation
23 Sep 2020 1min 27sec
- Hyundai E&C wins Singapore’s Workplace Safety and Health Council award
Hyundai E&C was awarded the 2020 Innovation Award from Singapore’s Workplace Safety and Health(WSH) Council under the Ministry of Manpower(MoM).
The WSH Council award is given to organizations and individuals that contributed to generating excellent performance in the field of industrial safety and health. Three construction sites of Hy...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #Singapore's WSH
23 Sep 2020 0min 40sec
- Hyundai E&C wins deal to build Malolos-Clark Railway
Hyundai E&C has received the Letter of Award for the Malolos to Clark Railway project (Railway Section 1 project) valued at about 573 million dollars from the Department of Transportation of the Philippines on September 18.Hyundai E&C forged a strategic alliance with Megawide, the local construction company, and Donga Geological Engineer...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #win
- #Malolos-Clark Railway
23 Jul 2020 1min 17sec
- Hyundai E&C introduces untact access management system
Hyundai E&C will introduce an untact access management system based on infrared thermal sensors and facial recognition to construction sites for the first time in Korea.
The untact access management system refers to the artificial intelligence facial recognition technology with the IoT-based infrared thermal sensors. The biggest advantag...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #Untact
- #HIoS
- #IoT
25 Jun 2020 1min 31sec
- Hyundai E&C wins mega redevelopment project for Hannam District 3
Hyundai E&C ranks no 1. in orders of urban renewal projects
Hyundai E&C has won the Hannam District 3 project, Korea’s largest redevelopment project with an estimated total project cost of seven trillion won. This means a landmark apartment complex of THE H will be built in the area of great value in the country’s capital.
- #Hannam District 3
- #THE H
- #Urban Renewal
22 May 2020 0min 57sec
- Hyundai E&C recognized as global leading eco-friendly company
Hyundai E&C enters the CDP Hall of Fame for two consecutive years
CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Korea, a local branch of one of the most prestigious sustainability evaluating agencies, announced that Hyundai E&C has entered the CDP Hall of Fame for the second consecutive year.
CDP provides investors around the world with analy...
- #CDP Korea
- #Carbon Management